Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Are

One topic that hasn't been talked to death in the election aftermath is our new first lady. Particularly, that this lovely, intelligent, educated woman is the new face of beauty, grace and welcome to the world. And she's black.

I was so touched to see Michelle and the two young girls on stage with the new President-elect. I was overcome by the fact that we now have this new image of womanhood and motherhood to look up to as a role model where previously, all such role models in the upper echelons of power have been white.

Now black women young and old can look at the first couple and see themselves in this woman. They can see themselves achieving educational and career goals. After all, Michelle is herself a lawyer. They can see themselves as proud mothers and wives and they can see themselves as beautiful and glamorous!

Yes We Are!

We women of color have had so very few images like this to cherish. I look forward to seeing this family grow. I look forward to seeing what a positive impact this new role model will have for young girls and women across the country.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I waited for 45 minutes but I wouldn't have cared if it was 4-5 hours. I was determined to get my vote in!