Thursday, July 23, 2009

Travel Writer

So I'm traveling for work this week and writing is still a huge goal for me to reach. I signed up for an accountability challenge. Specific word counts have to be reached each day and tallies posted. This is wonderful for the ADHD child in me.

So far so good. But today's word count goal may be out of reach. I have meetings from 7:30 am until 10 pm! And I got up at 4 am to write. I'm dead in the water but I've layed the skeletal famework for a scene this morning.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


For some reason, I feel the need to constantly have my characters apologizing for what they do/say. I don't think I'm writing in my own personal behavior.. or am I?

Perhaps I'm writing my own deep-seated behaviors but it makes for boring characters. I've gotta make them rude and proud of it!

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Natural Inclination for the Absurd

Okay, I'll admit it. There are some days that I'd almost rather do anything than write. And for me, TV is the natural extension for a procrastinator like myself.

Who can resist a show that's titles: "The 650 Pound Virgin." Who??? Not a procrastinating writer!

Luckily for me, my husband is aware of my goals and he deleted that particular show from the DVR. I know he really wanted to clear space for his programs but... I'm lucky.

I need an accountability partner because I'm facing some tough, self-imposed deadlines. I can't slack off now!