Wednesday, March 12, 2008

In Love with Twilight

Let me start out by saying that I am a ridiculously slow reader. Not because I have reading comprehension issues or anything like that. But rather, I really like to savor my books. I like to read a few pages, then sit and let it sink in, spend time with the characters in my head. Continue the story. Develop plot lines for them on my own. Then I'll read a bit more.

But not with Twilight. I barely wanted to turn the light off at night. I read it in record time and now I'm *dying* for Book 2. I've sent my Sig Other to the bookstore to pick it up. He better come back with the right thing or else... or else I'll have to go get it myself.

It's been quite a while since I've read a book that's left me breathless for more. Oh, I've like the books that I've been reaing but this was love... love like Bella has for Edward: amped up, hyper-hormoned, achey teen stuff.

To read it is to love it!

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