Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ridiculous Job

I don't know how I reached this low point with my job but I, apparently unlike Britney Spears, believe that I have hit my low point. I spent my entire day basically making telemarketing calls. WTF?!?!

I desperately need a new day job. But perhaps the utter ridiculousness of my situation will be enough of a kick in the pants that I actually do something with my sad life. Like finish my book.

I still need to finish the last few, ok... five, chapters. Depression city. Well, The Office is on tonight. At least I have that...

1 comment:

Larissa Ione said...

I saw that you're signed up for the Sven challenge -- you CAN do it! :) Just keep thinking about the day job frustration. After years of having a day job (well, it was a night job too,) I finally realized my dream of writing full time.

But it took writing in my spare time, in the car, and even while on the job to get to that point.

You can do it, even if you just take baby steps! :)