Monday, June 18, 2007

No Plot? Uh-oh! Problems!

I righted the ship for the zillionith time. Thank God for for sig others, well, for my sig other. I got to talk through some serious issues I was having with the plot. To tell you how serious, he gifted me the book No Plot? No Problem!

I didn't appreaciate it; OK, I downright resented it. I mean, so what I spend hours in my little room with Buffy playing in the background. So what if I'm totally caught up on everything Lindsay Lohan. I mean, I need breaks don't I?!?

That reminds me of my high school study patterns (and why I subsequently didn't get into a better college). I called studying "play break". I had my priorities slightly skewed, kinda like my plot. My SO asked if I liked my characters and when I hesitated, and I swear it was just for a second, he nailed me with that "uh-oh" look and asked if I'd read the book. I said NO! Really, please!

I just need to get the momentum back going again after my couple weeks of running from this thing. The whole fear of success issues that I maybe ran from blogging about. But I did write over the weekend, I met my word count goals for each day and I have to get started. Like now!

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