Monday, September 24, 2007

DJ Depression

I'm depressed today. Maybe it's the lack of caffeine early on in the day and a hormonal thing but I'm just not coming to the game with my good stuff today. Maybe it's because I had yet another job interview and I felt like I sucked. I just don't think that my heart was in it.

I want to write for a living! I don't want another sucky DJ.

In any case, I have another job interview scheduled for tis afternoon. I really can't afford to blow it so I have to dust myself off and plaster a smile on my face. I have to say the right things; I know that I am qualified for all the jobs hat I have interviewed for.

Well, I now have the coffee in hand. I am praying that straightens me out. I have to bring it like my man, Carlos Zambrano!

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