Monday, September 8, 2008

Bridge to Nowhere

Have you ever made pretty substantial plot changes and then tried to tie scenes together? I've been working like this for the past couple of weeks and I feel like I'm building a bridge to nowhere. I know, suddenly, all my posts are about Sarah Palin...

But that's exactly how I've been feeling. I've been working on this bridge and I'm not sure how I'm going to get to the other side. I have a vague idea and I keep writing and writing but I'm in uncharted territory here. I hope this works. If not, I have a whole lot of pages that won't stick together. The good news is that I like the changes that I made and I like these bridge pages but if they don't help the story along then I've wasted a lot of time and effort. But I guess that even failed writing experiments are valuable learning lessons for new writers.

It's worth it in the end because I'm starting to have more of a feel for the process and for how stories come together. Now when I read a book or watch a movie, I'm more conscious of the craft behind the writing and I enjoy stories so much more now.

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