Saturday, September 13, 2008


I finished my first round of edits on my novella just this morning. Wow. Editing is not fun... at least it's not fun editing my own work. I wanted to be free, start something else, not edit. But, the devil's in the details and I had to sit down with the MS and work it over.

I'm going to give it to a few people to read today. I've got my fingers crossed that they like it.

My next struggle is to come up with a title for this. I haven't been able to come up with something that ties the story together, something that when you read the last line of the book, you go, "a-ha!"

I also have to write a synopsis. I've never written one before and I'm scared to death. I have a tendency to sell myself short; I've done it on resumes and job interview. And this synopsis is the mother of all cover letters for the dream job that I don't want to see slip away.

That's what I'm going to do today...

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