Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I bought my first eBook today

Yeah, I'm a little behind the times. Everyone's got their readers and consumes content voraciously. I'm a bit slower on the uptake on this one but I'm looking forward to trying. I bought a Nocturne Bites title ~ Dreamcatcher by Anna Leonard. I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote this spooky paranormal story that I am going to submit to that line so I thought I'd better read what's actually getting published before I send in my MS.

And ~ if I want to be pubb'ed and sell ebooks, I had better know what they're like to read. I'll let you know. I like the premise for Dreamcatcher so I'm going to read it tonight.

Here's my quandary. I'm not sure if I should submit my MS to the publisher or find an agent for a short novella. I want to just send it away to the publisher because they give a nice little blurb on their site about how they're accepting unsolicited material for the line. But would that be a mistake? Here's the thing, I really love my story. I know that doesn't equal a hill of beans on the adding machines of business-oriented agents and publishers. But I love it and I want to package it up and send it off without have ing to first wait to see if an agent loves it too.

Any advice? Also the publisher says to send the entire MS and not to query but does this mean that I shouldn't write any kind of intro for the piece? I gots some serious questions before I run off halfcocked and get myself rejected.

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